Saturday, May 8, 2010

It has been WAY too long since I updated this. A lot has gone on in our little family. Here are some pictures and video to bring you up to speed. Now that I have a new fancy netbook(thanks to my Daddy) I will be able to keep everyone updated on the fun-ness that is going to be happening with us all summer long.Here we are at the movies. We went and saw How to Train Your Dragon in 3D over spring break. The kids loved it! Next we went to the zoo. Fisher loved seeing all of the animals. It was such a beautiful day. All of the animals were out and made it so much more fun to be there.See how happy he was to be at the zoo!?Fisher was starting to scoot around in circles. He would get so frustrated that he wasn't moving anywhere. He is now a big bad crawling baby. Video of it to come really soon.I got a new job as a dental assistant. The boys have the best nanny in the whole world. She is awesome. She does activities with them everyday and bakes and plays games. All the fun stuff that I was too tired to do with them. Here is Stanny doing one of the many cooking activities that they do. He's my little kitchen helper.The boys just love each other. Thye giggle and laugh all the time.Fisher is one messy baby when he is allowed to feed himself. But what a little piggy he is. He sure does love himself some food. Here is the Fish just being a fish. And the next is him showing off his talented baby sign. He's such a smarty pants!

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